Thursday, July 12, 2012

Kanimas,Masters,and a new species?

Theories brought to you by @MsAnnie26 & @Mysterious_Jake

Theory #1- Jackson/Kanimas/Gerard

After the past two episodes, we've been on the fence about who the Kanima master might be. At first the hopeful people that we are, we thought it was Kate. But now after a few things being put together we feel like the Kanima master is none other than GERARD ARGENT. 

Although we find out in this weeks episode that the same car that Jackson in Kanima form went up to is the same car their douche teacher Mr Harris can't help but think "yeah that's too easy of a give away." We’re thinking either his car was stolen, or he is somehow connected to Jackson...or possibly another Kanima himself but DEFINITELY NOT the master.

Derek raised a question that both of us had been thinking since 2 weeks ago WHY DIDN'T GERARD ATTACK THE KANIMA? It seemed as though he knew who the Kanima was and the Kanima was just as familiar w/ him. 

Not to mention after that "Kanima attack" why did Gerard try to convince Chris Argent not to go after the Kanima? To let their "enemies" kill each other? He's basically putting his money on his precious lizards against Scott, Derek, and his pack.

Now as I said before we’re also thinking Mr. Harris is somehow connected to Jackson. We think he might even be Jackson’s REAL FATHER. After last week we saw that random lady laying in the bed after giving birth telling Scott’s mom “THE BABY…IT KILLED SEAN” not soon after she’s smothered to death in her bed. Her husband (Sean) was killed in the beginning of the ep conversing with someone before being slaughtered by the Kanima….We have a feeling the same thing happened to Jackson’s “parents”. Maybe Jackson’s real father isn’t the man that died, but another person…something not human LIKE A KANIMA. Which must be the same scenario for the newborn baby. This is where we think Mr. Harris could possibly be his real dad…maybe? Just a thought! Either way we think Jackson’s real dad is out there…hell it could even be Gerard? 

BTW wth is up w/ those pills Gerard is always popping? I mean we can’t be the only ones who see that? Are those pills something he created to conceal what he really is? Because he’s definitely not just a HUMAN/HUNTER (we say Kanima Master) We’ll find out more in the upcoming eps…and WE CANNOT WAIT!

Theory #2 Peter Hale/Lydia

Pretty sure about 99.9% of us Teen Wolf fans were left more confused than ever on “What the hell is going on with Lydia?” It’s now confirmed that not only has she been seeing Peter Hale in his actual form before he “died” but she’s also been seeing him as a younger version of himself. Aside from that we really have no clue as to what’s happening to her. Peter says “You’re the plan B” she’s the plan B for what? PLEASE WE NEED TO KNOW THIS.

Since Lydia first starting having her Peter Hale visions we were thinking #1 HE’S NOT REALLY DEAD or #2 HE’S A GHOST. Still not 100% sure on which of the 2 it is. But one thing is for sure, he’s gonna be making a HUGE impact. 

We have this feeling he’s going to be making another type of pack all on his own, it was always his intention. To possibly create something bigger than the WOLF or the KANIMA. The last scene of the dead person/Peter under the house…could that be some kind of (for lack of a better word) Zombie hybrid?

Of course Lydia has this connection w/ Peter because he’s the one who attacked her. Now bring us to our Kate theories. Again we think Kate isn’t dead, but she is somewhere out there connected to Peter to as well. He “slit” her throat in the S1 finale “killing her” but let us remember that When Lydia was attacked even she looked dead. So it could be possible that Kate was in a paralyzed state making her seem dead? (ok yes I know we’re pushing it on the Kate Theories BUT WE HAVE HUGE HOPE! Especially after the Jeff Davis reply that was sent to one of us) Or maybe she did die and is a part of this possible Zombie hybrid species.
Lydia not being dead could mean she is something like Peter’s living connection, all while still being a part of his new super species.

Again these are just our theories…but they are ones we’ve given a lot of thought and time to! Believe me we’ve spent hours upon hours just discussing this.
Can’t wait until the next ep! This season has been insane and has kept us at the edge of our seats all of the way!

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