Friday, July 6, 2012

Just the beginning of our many Teen Wolf Theories

Theories brought to you by @MsAnnie26 & @Mysterious_Jake

Kate Argent:

#1 Kate isn't DEAD

OK so we'll admit unlike many others we're both pretty big Kate Argent fans. When she was killed off it was pretty heartbreaking considering the fact we both feel like there was more to Kate. Something was off, something wasn't was almost as if she was brainwashed by something/someone. In S1 every time Kate mentioned burning down the Hale house it seemed as if she couldn't get her story straight. Which raises some red flags...did she really do it? If she did,was it her call or someone else's? We say it was someone else calling the shots. We also feel like Kate and Derek are/were the original Allison and Scott. They actually did love each other, Kate didn't just use wasn't until Kate was influenced by someone else (We say Victoria Argent's evil ass) that she started acting that way. One indication Kate was being someone's puppet is in the season finale. Kate is pointing the gun at Scott, and Chris Argent confronts her "I know what you did" to what she replies "I did what I was told to do." While many may take that as her just taking orders to hunt wolves we feel she was taking orders from someone else, to kill no matter innocent or wolf. Again we go back to Victoria. She seems like a real bitch, and at the end of the S1 finale her hostility towards Kate's "Doing" seems a little over the top...more so than Chris', almost seems as if she was trying to justify that no one else in the Argent family had fault in that fire....especially herself, can you say guilty conscience?

Ok now into present day Beacon Hills....Teen Wolf Ep 1. Lydia in the shower, the hand that comes up and grabs her is clearly female. Instantly our minds went to KATE. Aside from Derek's sister what other female had died in S1? KATE. 

We fast forward to the cemetery at night. When Issac is preparing a new grave, we get a flash of Kate's tombstone, and almost IMMEDIATELY after Issac sees something. A FEMALE HAND W/ CLAWS on the TOMBSTONE. We're lead to think it's Lydia...we feel like that would be too obvious of a person. Again Tombstone+female hand=Kate. 

Fast forward to Kate's funeral. Chris and Victoria are talking about Gerrard's need to make the funeral so public despite what Kate was known for. We think the public funeral was a ploy, something to make everyone think that Kate is dead when in reality somehow she became something supernatural (or already was something supernatural that could head), whether it be wolf or Kanima...(We're hoping wolf>Kanima) she is definitely something and she is definitely connected to Peter Hale the way Lydia is throughout the season. (Oh yeah I forgot to mention, we don't think Peter is 100% dead either,we'll come back to that in a later post).

That's all for our Kate Theories for now....we have tons more that we haven't written down, but we feel like this is enough for post #1.

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