Friday, December 7, 2012

Who are Hayley's Biological parents?

Ok so usually we write about Teen Wolf theories...but since it's off season I (Annie) figured I'd write some TVD theories...comment,share,and pass on :)
I know it's a lot to read....but please read until the end, I'd really like to hear your thoughts :)

My theories on Hayley's Biological Parents

Ok I'm sure I'm not the ONLY person who thought about how miss Hayley fit into the mix from the moment she stepped foot into the Lockwood Mansion. My mind immediately went to "Is she related to Tyler? and how?" I racked my brain and figured...if she was related to Tyler why wouldn't be have just said something to Caroline when she had her first flip out over Hayley? Soon after I got my answer, Hayley was adopted! The theories and thoughts I had in my mind started to make some sense...SHE'S DEFINITELY CONNECTED TO SOMEONE(s) IN MYSTIC FALLS! :) so here are a few possible scenarios!

Scenario #1: Mason Lockwood
The first time I seen Hayley, the first person that came to mind was everyone's favorite Uncle Mason Lockwood. We all know from Mason's various convos w/ Tyler that he wasn't around a lot. He basically bolted out of Mystic Falls as soon as he was able to. There's some possibility, that he can be Hayley's biological father. I do understand lots of people don't think this because Mason was pretty damn young when he came to MF...but hey who can look past some kind of teen pregnancy nowadays...even in shows! On one of his many "journeys" Mason could have knocked up someone at a very young age, leading her bio mom and Mason to give Hayley up for adoption. 

Scenario #2: Klaus
Ok before you start saying anything...I DO NOT THINK THAT KLAUS IS HAYLEY'S FATHER! I do believe that there is a possibility they can be related. We all heard that Poppa Original Mikael killed Klaus' real father, but who's to say that he didn't have other children continuing his blood line? Esther had an affair,so it's likely that Klaus' biological father had a family of his own as well. Klaus and Hayley's first meeting, it seemed like he had no idea who she was, other than some girl Tyler probably slept w/. But I feel as time progressed, Klaus could know A LOT more than he's led on. I think back to the ep when Hayley and Klaus had their confrontation, she stepped right up to him without fear and basically made a threat....Klaus stood there and just smirked. Idk but Klaus is pretty hot headed, and that "threat" would NOT have went unpunished...the fact that he smirked and did nothing, made me think she could be connected to him through his father's blood line. Maybe she's the one person he really wants as his Hybrid...she'd be the one w/ an actual related connected! And after all, Klaus didn't just make this Hybrid army for the numbers but for companionship. Who better to be your companion? Than someone who's actually related to you?

Scenario #3: Mayor Richard Lockwood
We all know Mayor Richard Lockwood (in the words of Tyler) was a huge dick. Not only did he have rage and mistreat his son, but he was caught checking out Pearl's ass. I wouldn't put is past him to have cheated on his wife a few times, I mean hell maybe she even cheated on him...we all saw how she flirted w/ Damon the first few times she saw him! Richard probably had one of his side romps, and boom...the product being HAYLEY. Hayley could very well be Tyler's half sister! She already has this protective vibe over Tyler (Even though she's kind of betraying him). She could think those feelings are ones of being "attracted" to him, but they could really be sibling calling. BUT WAIT....WHO IS HAYLEY'S MOTHER THEN?! please check out our next scenario below!

Scenario 4: Miranda Gilbert and Mayor Richard Lockwood
I know it looked like Miranda and Grayson Gilbert had a perfect marriage before that tragic night on Wickery Bridge...but as TVD fans we all know that there is NO SUCH THING AS PERFECT IN MYSTIC FALLS, and of course NOTHING IS WHAT IT SEEMS! You may ask how I could even think such thing? Or how they could have anything in common other than both being deceased? WELL LET ME GET STARTED AND EXPLAIN :)
We all know that Grayson and Miranda were trying years to have a child when Isobel came into their lives and gave them Elena.
Let's think for a is it that in such a small town like Mystic Falls NO ONE KNEW ELENA WAS ADOPTED? Except for the Gilbert/Sommers Family? No one in town noticed that Miranda wasn't pregnant, and then magically had this baby girl? That leads me to believe that maybe she had an affair w/ someone...that someone having to be someone w/ the werewolf gene. Richard being the likely suspect because as far as we know the Lockwoods are the only family in MF w/ it. As a result of the affair Miranda could have gotten pregnant, leading her to give the baby up for adoption! Grayson not wanting to face the embarrassment of his wife's infidelity, and the questions of the town as to where this child was took on the responsibility of being a father to his little brother John's baby girl. Even though Elena was not biologically his, she still had Gilbert blood running through her veins, he'd rather raise a Gilbert niece as his own rather than his wife's Lockwood Love child. We all know Grayson was a doctor, and altered Elena's birth certificate,leaving behind no trail for Elena and later Jeremy to find out the truth that not only was Elena not really their daughter, but that somewhere there was a girl Elena's age that Miranda gave birth to...that girl being HAYLEY.

This would make Hayley not only Tyler's Half sister...but Jeremy's as well

Pretty sure reading all of this was ONE BIG MIND F*CK...but hey I always look deep into these storylines and come up w/ my own theories rather than read spoilers..make watching more interesting ;)
Comment or contact me on Twitter w/ your thoughts :)